“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

Philippians 1:3-6

To Be Disciples & To Make Disciples

As we joyfully anticipate the day when peoples from every tribe, tongue, and nation will worship the Lord Jesus Christ, we strive, in the here and now, to be obedient to Christ's commission to make disciples of all nations. We desire to be faithful witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ in our various neighborhoods, communities, cities, nation, and world. For this noble task and glorious privilege, we rely on nothing other than the transforming power of God's Word and the transforming presence of the Holy Spirit.

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.'” —Acts 1:7-8

"For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.' How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, 'How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!' But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, 'Lord, who has believed what he has heard from us?' So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." —Romans 10:13-17

"And they sang a new song, saying, 'Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.'" —Revelation 5:9-10

Actively Involved in Missions
We seek to partner alongside both local organizations and individual missionaries who are gospel-centered and who share similar doctrinal commitments and core values. Specifically, we seek to come alongside these missions efforts in the following ways:
Praying: Whether it be the emphasis of our Wednesday Night Service or the encouragement of our our monthly prayer calendar, we strive to encourage both individual and corporate prayer for missions. 
Giving: In addition to the regular benevolent support of the saints in our local church, we want to be a church that gives generously to the global harvest. We set aside a considerable portion of our annual budget for this purpose. 
Serving: Whether it be a church-wide focus or a personal visit from our pastoral staff, we regularly send out saints in our church to both encourage and serve alongside our current missionaries.

Individual missionaries we partner with

Martin & Karen Arroyo

Juxtlahuaca, Mexico

Martin and Karen Arroyo faithfully serve the Lord in south Mexico in a city called Juxtlahuaca. Martin pastors a local church, and together Martin and Karen manage a radio station. Through both the radio station and Facebook live, they are able to reach out into areas where no churches are currently planted to share the gospel. The church ministers through food outreach programs, weekly soccer games, children, adolescent, and youth programs, visitation and help for the needy in our town and surrounding villages, parenting classes, as well as counseling services. Their facilities are often used to host conferences for church leaders to come from surrounding regions for training and fellowship. Martin and Karen have six children.

Andrea & Emanuela Artioli

Mantova, Italy

Andrea and Emanuela Artioli faithfully serve the Lord in Mantova (Mantua), Northern Italy. In 2007, Andrea sensed the Lord calling him to plant a church due to the lack of solid, biblical churches in their region. Starting with only 2 families meeting in their home, today, the Sola Grazia Church (www.chiesasolagrazia.it) has a core group of 50 sweet believers that fellowship together around the gospel of Jesus Christ. Emanuela not only teaches the women at Sola Grazia church, but also trains ladies all over Italy through conferences. By faith, Andrea started a publishing ministry to translate and publish biblical resources for local, Italian pastors (including titles by authors like Martin Lloyd-Jones, John MacArthur, John Piper, RC Sproul, Mark Dever, and others). You can visit the website at CoramDeo.it. Andrea and Emanuela have three children.

Caleb & Melissa Gibello

Moka Village, Papua New Guinea

Caleb and Melissa Gibello faithfully serve the Lord in the Moka village, located along the Turama River in the Gulf Province of Papua New Guinea (PNG). Prior to the Gibellos’ arrival and ministry in Moka, there was no evangelical presence, no biblical churches, and no one preaching the message of the gospel in this region of PNG. The people of this region speak their own distinct, unwritten language. One of the Gibellos’ tasks as pioneer missionaries is to learn the local language in order to translate the Word of God into the native language and preach the gospel more clearly and effectively. The long-term goal is to see Christ Himself save His people through the preaching of His gospel and by the effectual working of the Holy Spirit, for local biblical churches to be started, for Scripture to be translated into the local language, and to train elders and deacons for the local churches. Caleb and Melissa have two children.

Tiago & Marta Oliveira

Lisbon, Portugal

Tiago and Marta Oliveira faithfully serve the Lord in Lisbon, Portugal. After more than a decade of serving in ministry in Lisbon, Tiago and his family moved to Mississippi for additional theological education. After completing his MDiv at RTS Jackson, Tiago is now pursuing a PhD in Biblical Studies at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. The Oliveiras returned to Portugal at the end of 2021, where Tiago resumed ministry as the pastor of First Baptist Church in Lisbon (a church revitalization work). Additionally, Tiago serves as the President of the Martin Bucer Seminary, and as the European Coordinator for 9Marks Ministries, where he is involved in training and networking with pastors and churches in Portugal and Europe. Tiago and Marta have three children.

Ryan & Dana Powell

Voisins-Le-Bretonneux, France

Ryan and Dana faithfully serve the Lord in Voisins-Le-Bretonneux, France. Ryan and Dana Powell recently returned to France after serving three years teaching theology to pastors in West Africa. Their sending organization is Reaching and Teaching International Ministries (RTIM). The Powells are serving at Emmanuel International Church of Ternes (EIC Ternes) in the heart of Paris, France. In addition to Ryan’s teaching and preaching schedule, the Powells are currently establishing RTIM as a church planting association in France and working on partnerships with French church planting associations for RTIM global workers. They are also building a team of RTIM global workers for a future church plant in Paris by hosting couples interested in missions in France. Ryan and Dana have six children.

Ken & Connie Temple

Faith Global Missions

Ken and Connie Temple faithfully serve the Lord in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Ken and Connie are with Faith Global Missions (and under the elders of their home-sending church, Providence Church in Duluth, Georgia). Ken and Connie minister to Iranian Muslims locally as well as abroad, mostly among Iranians who have fled Iran and are refugees in Turkey and Cyprus and other countries. Ken has helped translate solid training material into the native language, so that local pastors can have access to clear, gospel-focused education in order to grow deeper in their knowledge and relationship with the Lord. Ken and Connie have spent years showing hospitality in their home to Iranian families who had never been able to sit and visit with Americans before. Their heart for the people is that many would come to Christ. Ken and Connie have two children.