Mrs. Ginny Traylor, an original Board member, explains Christian education:
“The reason Presbyterian Christian School (now Laurel Christian School) was started was not just to have another school. We wanted a God-centered education where God is presented as the creator in science, the God of order and reason in math, and the God who is sovereign over all history. This way God would not be compartmentalized in a childʼs mind just for church and home, but God would be the focal point of school also. And not only in the classroom, but in every activity.”
In July of 1997, the First-Trinity Presbyterian Church entrusted sponsorship of PCS to Audubon Drive Bible Church. ADBC desired to make a good school even better by refocusing the school on the original commitment to Biblical worldview education, cultivating and implementing the Classical and Christian philosophy of education, and developing the school into a full K-12 program. ADBC soon partnered with Westminster Presbyterian to achieve these goals. In 1999 the name of the school was changed from Presbyterian Christian School to Laurel Christian School to better reflect our student body and to let people know who we are, what we are, and where we are. LCS added one grade each year and celebrated its first high school graduation exercises in May of 2004. Over the next few years, steady growth led to a new gym and classroom wing at the Westminster campus, relocation of the preschool (K-3 and K-4) to Covenant Presbyterian Church, and a new classroom wing and great hall at the Audubon campus. Today, by God's grace, LCS continues to educate students for eternity, with grades K-3 through 6th grade meeting at the ADBC campus and grades 7th through 12th grade meeting at the Westminster campus. God has certainly blessed and provided for LCS.
The purpose of LCS is, and has always been, to develop children both spiritually and academically so that they will be able to accept the responsibilities of life as committed Christians, doing as First Corinthians 10:31 says, “all to the glory of God.”
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